Six Art Categories – One Symbol
The Delphic Games Symbol of the Modern Era consists of an infinite ribbon of six coloured interlaced semicircles which are designed within a circle on a white background. They symbolize the unity between the six Delphic Art Categories – (1) Musical Arts & Sounds (2) Performing Arts, (3) Language Arts, (4) Visual Arts, (5) Social Arts & Communication and (6) Ecological Arts & Architecture and that one art needs the other to shine. The upper colours emphasize the brightness of light and pleasure as the lower colours define the depth and fundamental values of research and knowledge.

Castalian Spring Ceremony
The Castalian Spring originates south of the Parnassus mountain in Delphi, and is traditionally known to be devoted to God Apollo and his muses. This holy spring water was often used in cleansing rituals of the Oracle, and for pilgrims who came to visit the ‘Omphalos’ – the navel of the world for Greeks of ancient times. Water – being the symbolic element of the Delphic Games holds as equal an importance as fire is for the Olympics.
Since 2009, six months before the opening ceremony of the worldwide Delphic Games, Youth Delphic Games and regional Delphiads, a delegation from the host city travels to the holy Castalian Spring to fetch water as a sign of purification and an announcement of peace for all participating nations.

Delphic Poet
Pindar was the first Greek poet to reflect on the nature of poetry and on the poet’s role If a city, region, country decides to host worldwide Delphic Games / Junior Delphic Games or regional Delphiads, a Bidding Committee has to be designed – of which the appointment of a famous poet of the respective country plays a significant role. This Poet has to promote and explain within the country the values of the Games, to make literary notes of the Games they have in mind – to honor the ancient Greek Poet Pindar handing down with his poems the existence of the Delphic Games of ancient times.

Agora – Get together Place & Information Point
The Agora was in ancient time the Market Place for artists and handicrafts to showcase their artistic skills – outside of the official program. It holds the possibility for participants and guests to learn about the various artistic skills and traditions and to buy some memories / souvenirs to bring them home. The Agora was naturally also a Meeting Point of exceptional importance. It is to be considered the place where artists, guests and participants can meet, gather and share opinions. In the worldwide Delphic Games / Junior Delphic Games or regional Delphiads the Agora will be closely integrated in all PR and Media measures and act as an IT-link to the world. “On the spot” results of competing artists will be shown at the Agora, all relevant news will be published there at first.
- Artists meeting place
- Artists & Media Information center
- Organic food market
- Artists & Crew meals
- Stage – open mike
- Arts & Crafts sales

Games Opening & Closing Ceremony
The Delphic Games Symbol of the Modern Era consists of an infinite ribbon of six coloured interlaced semicircles which are designed within a circle on a white background. They symbolize the unity between the six Delphic Art Categories – (1) Musical Arts & Sounds (2) Performing Arts, (3) Language Arts, (4) Visual Arts, (5) Social Arts & Communication and (6) Ecological Arts & Architecture and that one art needs the other to shine. The upper colours emphasize the brightness of light and pleasure as the lower colours define the depth and fundamental values of research and knowledge.